
Considering SPARE room option--Casual FRIEND with a Spare Room ESSEN. $0 Greenwich Village

Considering SPARE room option–Casual FRIEND with a Spare Room ESSEN.

Location: new york city

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Considering SPARE room option–Casual FRIEND with a Spare Room ESSEN.


                        Greenwich Village

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Considering SPARE room option–Casual FRIEND with a Spare Room ESSEN.

My life is being VERY destroyed by my very permanent estrangement AGAIN.
Completely stalled in their sick greed, concealment and absolute sick destruction.
I am being very abused by some very overweight females and my permanent estran biologicals.
RUTHLESSLY opportistic pigs.
I have been very extensively framed by my permanent estrangement.
VERY permanent estrangement.
Single, looking to get fitness restoration back when and where I choose as this is one of my biggest passions ever.
I am not going to be staying where I am temporarily residing because of my estrangement turning a WORK RELATED “stay” into something HORRIFYING.
Looking to find a professional opportity there that aligns with my goals and backgrod; though they’ve DESTROYED 4 in 4 months and terrorized nonexistent defects and implausible habits of THEIRS being “prevented”.
Looking to stay in an extra room in the Manhattan area til I decide otherwise.
I’d like to set up my fitness gear and fitness clothing there in an extra room–THERE.
I will not be exploited within this according to their WATCHED “theory” of what’s what….
Please text me with an address, the photos of the room and some information about yourself.
This is just a FRIENDS thing til I determine otherwise in this stupid insanity, manipulated nothingness occurring.
They’re just wasting my days exploiting within this reddant recklessness and destroying my choices to benefit THEM.
I may end up getting my own place there.
I do NOT have a partner and do not have anyone that will manipulate within this.
They exploit within such matters in ways I will NEVER believe.
The estran have destroyed my chosen anything and have inserted their agendas instead.
SO LOATHED abusers and framers, exploiters and degrading manipulators.
I have VERY permanent estran biologicals; always have and always will.
They’ve destroyed everything and continue violating and stalling in absolute obliteration of my life.
They’ve destroyed multiple relationships.
Free-donate-friends basis in terms of the extra room of yours.
My estran paternal and his kin have destroyed my life viciously and terrorize credence for that.
They destroy in sick hypothetical terrorized nonsense til everything is just nothing and they don’t feel as miserable.
I might pursue some professional choices there or I might choose otherwise.
I may get my own place there… TBD and only up to me.
Fitness restoration there is something I’ve CHOSEN for a while.
PRIVACY restoration is essential.
The opportistic abusers have been targeting, criminally, for quite a while.
Privacy is essential.
interrupted with and without whom I choose.
Property restoration is essential.
What they’ve done to me is sick.
TERRORIZING nonexistent defects and sick inappropriateness to enhance their sick images and wastefulness.
I have been VERY violated. UNBELIEVABLE violations.

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post id: 7790498631

posted: 2024-10-04 12:43


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